Available courses

    This course site serves as an exclusive site for all course writers/ module authors of the courses under the continuing education program of FEd.

    The expected outputs are as follows:

    • completed horizontal plan/ syllabus
    • first draft of the module study guides
    • second/ revised draft of the module study guides + course guide + assignment guide/s 
    Relevant guidelines (from the basic orientation for the course writers) are provided to help the course writers in the course development process.

      An introduction to basic concepts in entrepreneurship

        This is to learn the basics of H5P to make our interactive OERs easy, peasy!

          This is an introductory course on ODEL research for capacity-building of the CODTL Team towards the fulfillment of our research agenda in the next three years.

            This is our space to continue our teaching and learning conversations on special project and special problem courses at UPOU.

            The main content is based on the November 2024 T&L Convoes: What's with Special Problem courses at UPOU?